
Many of the characteristics and traits that are instilled in military personnel fall right in line with Halliburton’s own internal core values and competencies. The value of a veteran in a competitive business environment include leadership, being a team player, having integrity and accepting the responsibility of being held accountable for his or her role. They also assume high levels of trust, have experiences and skills in diverse work settings, and exhibit high levels of resiliency.

Halliburton actively recruits veterans as part of our talent acquisition strategy by attending military-focused job fairs and on-base activities.

“Halliburton is always looking for people with the potential to contribute their skills and experience, as well as a strong commitment to the Company. Veterans bring with them the self-discipline and capacity for teamwork that make them outstanding contributors to our success.”

Robb Voyles
Executive Vice president and General Counsel
Executive Sponsor for Halliburton’s Veteran’s Leadership Forum

Veterans who choose to work for Halliburton can also join our Veterans Leadership Forum (VLF). VLF is an internal diversity network of Halliburton professionals with the primary objective of furthering employee development, leadership competencies and increased retention from veterans in the Halliburton organization.